Site Stuff: From our family to yours, here's hoping for a happy, healthy holiday season! taken in Downtown (Weekly Features)


L-R: Cory Giger, Dali Kovacevic, Alex Stumpf, Bob Maddamma, Dejan Kovacevic, Corey Crisan, Taylor Haase, Rob Ullman, Ramon Foster, Chris Halicke.

There are no practices. No events. No games.

If not for the remnant smiles spread by a certain Rudolph over this weekend, there'd be no reminders at all that sports even exist.

And you know, that's OK. We all invest so much time, so much passion, so much energy following the Steelers, Penguins, Pirates and various college programs on the other 364 days a year, that it'll feel just fine putting it all away for a few hours of family, fun and all else, right?

Merry Christmas, my friends, from all of us here!

From Dali and me, in particular, thanks for everything you've meant toward this little company steaming forward through its 10th year -- almost a full decade now! -- by reading, watching, commenting, contributing, shopping, whatever your preference happens to be. As we've often shared over the years, and we still do with so many who pass through our doors Downtown, we're built on your backs. No banks. No loans. No hopes. Just you. And we never forget that.

