How to watch, hear, participate in our shows taken in Downtown (MULTIMEDIA)


The big man in the studio.

The foundation of DK Pittsburgh Sports has always been the reporting and writing, and that'll never change.

But over the past couple years, we've additionally branched into multimedia -- podcasts, videos, plus a new live talk show that's on the way -- and to great effect. In the business sense, it's been the single most uplifting development we've had since the company's birth in 2014.

Our programming's populated primarily by our full-time staff, it's operated on the same reporting principles as our written content, and it's available on every platform everywhere. Every weekday morning's anchored by my three Daily Shot podcasts, one each on the Steelers, Penguins and Pirates. We've got two other daily football shows, by former Steelers guard Ramon Foster and by former NFL scout Matt Williamson. And by the weekend, there's a bunch more.

Checking it out couldn't be easier:

1. Listen right here.

Either tap the bottom right button on the app, marked PODCASTS, or simply tap right here. You'll find everything we do. Open the file, and press the big play button. That's it.

2. Pick a platform.

If you've already got a preferred place for podcasts, we're already there. Choose from this list. Or go straight to the source: Apple, Spotify or Google.

3. Watch the video.

Our shows that have accompanying video -- and even some that don't, including the Daily Shots, are available on our YouTube channel. It's also worth noting that this is the one place all content's offered with closed captioning.

Participating in the shows is just as easy: To leave a question for any of us, including my #J1Q segments and Ramon's 'HEY 'MON!' segment, just drop it in any commenting section associated with the shows. The ones we check daily are here, obviously, but we'll go through YouTube's, as well.

Thanks for listening!
