Carter's answers on Pitt football, hoops, Steelers! taken on the South Side (Live Qs at 5)

Crazy weekend!

Pitt's Saturday double header of football and basketball was a rollercoaster ride of a terrible hoops team into the best football team Pitt's had in 40 years. Then there was the mess that was the Steelers on Sunday.

I'm sure there's some fun questions we can get out of all of that. See you at 5 p.m.

If you’re new, here’s how this works: Enter your question in the comments below. No statements please. Save that for stories. I’ll go through and answer as many as possible. When it’s done, all that will be left are the Qs that were used, my replies and any follow-ups by the original questioner. Please don’t use this the way you would an ordinary commenting thread.

Tuesday: Dale Lolley
