Positive COVID-19 test shuts down Dukes' practices  taken in Uptown (Duquesne)


Keith Dambrot

A source close to the Duquesne men's basketball program confirms to DK Pittsburgh Sports that team practices have been paused due to a positive COVID-19 test by someone in the program early last week. 

The source said the issue is under control. The team has been doing individual work with each member who has been cleared for physical activity. It is expected that normal, full team practices and activities will resume soon. 

No information was provided about whether the positive test came from a player, coach or staff member. DK Pittsburgh Sports was told that the person who tested positive is feeling better and expected to make a full recovery. 

Earlier this month, Keith Dambrot was asked about how his team was handling pandemic-related challenges. At the time, the Dukes head coach was happy with how seriously the program was taking the guidelines but acknowledged how just one mistake could affect the entire team. 

"They’ve done a good job wearing their masks and understanding the importance of it all," Dambrot said. "It only takes one slip and your whole team is contaminated. You just have to do the right thing and knock on wood.”

The positive test is the first confirmed positive connected to the program since students returned to campus in August. It's believed that the positive test will not further complicate the construction of the Dukes' schedule which, according to the athletic department, should be close to finished next week. 
