With team facilities slowly starting to reopen in different cities, the NHL on Monday released a 22-page list of protocols for the reopening of those facilities for small group workouts.
The NHL expects to allow small group workouts to begin in early June. The workouts, per the memo, can include:
• “Player-only” non-contact skates. No coaches, skating coaches, other club employees or club contracted representatives may participate in any on-ice sessions.
• On-ice time shall be divided equally between the skaters within each small group (goaltenders may be provided additional ice time). When players are not participating in on-ice activities they will be permitted to utilize the club’s exercise and weight room equipment, or receive individual treatment from the club’s medical/training staff.
• Weight training that does not include the need for a spotter.
• Circuit-based activities such as resistance training.
• Cardiovascular exercises and endurance training.
• Rehabilitation and treatment for players with on-going disabling injuries and for players with non-disabling injuries, may be provided as directed by club medical/training staff.
Other notable takeaways from the memo include:
• Participation in the group workouts is voluntary, and players are not required to return to their NHL cities yet.
• If a player is residing in an NHL city other than the one in which he plays, he will be permitted to use the facilities int he city in which he is residing.
• Players will be tested for coronavirus two days before participating in workouts, and will be tested twice a week from then on. The number of tests for players and personnel will "not deprive health care workers, vulnerable populations and symptomatic individuals from necessary diagnostic tests.''
• Face coverings must be worn at all times by players in the facility except when exercising or on the ice. Other personnel must wear face coverings at all times.
• Only six players will be allowed in a practice facility at a time.
• Although only players will be allowed to participate in the on-ice sessions, coaches can observe from an area separate from the players.
• Hot tub and cold tub use is prohibited.
• Limited training staff will be allowed for the workouts. The only personnel allowed will be one trainer, one strength and conditioning coach, one equipment manager, up to two locker room attendants, the club physician, and a goalie coach who is not a team employee and is instead hired by the player.
• Media, player agents, massage therapists, chiropractors, and family members are prohibited from the workouts.

Bryan Rust. -- MATT SUNDAY / DKPS
NHL releases protocols for group workouts

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