You did it! H2P Subscriptions top 1,000! taken in Strip District (Site stuff)

Petersen Events Center. - DEJAN KOVACEVIC / DKPS


On the same night Ryan Murphy's running jumper rang up a big Pitt victory over Boston College, you blew through the goal of 1,000 H2P Subscriptions, with the actual figure at 1,210 based on commitments readers had pledged toward matching. It took 11-plus weeks, and it's here. It's done.

In all, 65 readers bought bulk gift subscriptions in all shapes and sizes, including an amazing one yesterday, and each of those was appreciated every bit as much as the singles. Because that's the only way something like this works.

So, uh, wow! Way to go!

I sure hope you're enjoying Hunter Homistek's inspired coverage of Pitt basketball's rebound season, as well as that of the football program, which will begin with Blue-Gold week, emblematic of the start of the 2020 season.

The remainder of the project is on our end, meaning continuing to distribute the gifts designated for students, as well as those for veterans. We've had to do the student giveaways in pieces, since they don't work when offered in huge bulk. (No urgency to respond.) So you'll still be seeing us, especially on Twitter, continue to communicate with Zoo members and the like.

I'm going to leave this post up here today and tomorrow to make sure it's known to all, then regroup for whatever might come next with Saturday's Site Stuff.

The door's open to suggestions. This worked. We're all in favor of ideas that work.
