Brown denies wrongdoing, files for custody taken at Rooney Complex (Steelers)

Antonio Brown. - Matt Sunday / DKPS

Antonio Brown has filed for custody of his daughter, according to a statement from his family attorney, Jaclyn Soroka.

The statement, which was made Friday to ESPN, comes in response to a recently reported domestic dispute involving Brown and Wiltrice Davay Jackson, the mother of one of his children.

"Unfortunately, there have been misleading and inaccurate headlines of a 'domestic dispute', insinuating that Antonio Brown was responsible for wrongdoing in relation to the baseless, false police report made, which was immediately recanted by the Complainant/Mother who refused to leave his personal residence and who had no lawful basis to be at or to remain on his property," the statement reads.

The initial police report claims Brown pushed Jackson to the ground, causing her to fall and to sustain injuries in the process.

Soroka strongly denies any such claim in today's statement.

"On the date at issue, Mr. Brown reacted appropriately and without any indicia of violence. The Mother inappropriately involved their minor child by creating an unnecessary scene at Mr. Brown's residence wherein she demanded funds from Mr. Brown, despite the fact that he provides substantial financial child support to the Mother. The Mother recently sought, and was Denied, additional child support by the Court as it properly found that the substantial child support paid by Mr. Brown covers their child's needs."

As a result of the situation, Brown has now requested custody of his and Jackson's daughter.

"Given the egregiousness of the Mother's recent actions, Mr. Brown has taken legal action this week to ensure that his daughter is protected by seeking majority timesharing and decision-making authority."
