So I decided to take a couple days off this week, tired of always feeling tired, wary of some other symptomatic stuff.
The doctor told me Thursday I have Type 2 Diabetes.
Like most people who hear any kind of diagnosis, you don't hear many words after that. You feel ... I don't know ... attacked? You feel branded. You feel like you just changed into something you weren't before. And yeah, you begin worrying about things that are so, so, so much more important than even this website, which has been the defining project of my life. I stood up, walked over to a corner of the doctor's office, and really didn't process much.
One thing I did process from the doctor was to not blame myself, that this is hereditary. But I did blame myself. Because back in February, in between trips to Bradenton and Winnipeg, I visited this same doctor and then a specialist who both warned me of the possibility I had this condition. And I decided I was just too busy with the site to do anything about it.
Oh, for real.
I mean, there's dumb, and then there's idiotic. I'll never write a column more critical about anyone than this one right here.
And yet, upon further review, and upon hearing from others on our staff with background on this, I know it's manageable. Eminently so, as I'm not at the stage where insulin is required. This requires medication, a change in diet, additional exercise and a lot less stress.
As the doctor said, "If you can pull off a venture like the one you've got, you've certainly got the personality for a challenge like this."
I'll apply that same mindset to this issue. I will.
Finally, I want you to know that, although I'll try to minimize the 24/7 stress, nothing will change about my contribution level at the site. If anything, feeling healthier and more relaxed should lead to higher-quality ideas, material and execution. My worst columns invariably come when I'm the most tired, hungry, angry, frustrated ... as I'm sure applies to most jobs in any walk of life. Being sharper should make my own work better.
If you suspect you've got symptoms, don't be dumb like me. Have it checked right away, or contact the American Diabetes Association.
If you noticed some fun symmetry earlier this week with Henne Jewelers sponsoring Matt Gajtka's coverage from Toronto of Sidney Crosby and the Penguins donating a Stanley Cup ring to the Hall of Fame ... well, that actually was a coincidence.
What wasn't coincidental -- and was plenty welcome -- was our friends at Henne expanding their relationship with our site to include sponsoring our Penguins news coverage. You'll see their rather attractive ad accompanying any content in that category, and it'll take one tap or click to see the latest they're offering at their Shadyside store and online.
And on that note, more good news ...
We're equally happy to share that the Western Pennsylvania division of Hertz is back on board to support Drive to the Net, our popular Penguins Xs and Os feature.
This particular Drive carried our readers all through the past playoffs, right through Gajtka's June 11 analysis from Nashville, and we love the fact that we occasionally hear from readers referring to it as the 'Hertz feature.'
Mickey Keene at Hertz has been great to us from the outset, including assisting in some of our more ambitious car rentals, and it's very much appreciated.
Here they are! Go buy some!
Oh, and there'll be much more to this process in coming days, including an original Chris Benson video, a new custom Christmas card by Rob Ullman and a new team photo we're taking around the office tree!
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